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Language Links

Language Links is an esteemed institution that enables global citizens to master Language, broadening their horizons and unveiling many
opportunities. The institution is grounded in the belief that Language is a pivotal link to global communication and opportunities. However, they faced a challenge in reaching a broader audience and needed an effective way to convey their message and offerings to potential learners around the globe.

  • Date
    12 Jun, 2023
  • Client
    Language Links
  • Category
    Online Language Learning Platform
  • Location


While Language Links had an unparalleled curriculum and learning modules, their reach could have been improved. The institution sought to enhance its online presence, engage with a larger audience, and effectively communicate the value it brings to language learners.


DevSmith Digital stepped in with a strategic Social Media Marketing (SMM) plan and comprehensive social media account management services. Our team undertook an in-depth analysis to understand Language Links’ audience and tailored our strategies to resonate with potential learners.
We amplified their online presence through targeted content, consistent engagement, and leveraging analytics to refine our approach continually. DevSmith Digital managed Language Links’ social media platforms, ensuring a balanced mix of educational and engaging content highlighting the benefits of mastering English


  • Enhanced Online Presence: Language Links witnessed a 75% increase in online visibility, with enriched content that echoed the values and quality of their educational modules.
  • Increased Engagement: The engagement rate soared by 50%, establishing a two-way communication channel that fostered a community of enthusiastic learners.
  • Boosted Enrollments: With the enhanced visibility and engagement, Language Links experienced an increase in
    enrollments, a testimony to the effective reach and impact of the targeted social media strategies