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Sports Surface

Based in Florida, Sport Surfaces is renowned in sports court construction and resurfacing. Their expert team of professional sports contractors is adept at designing, installing, and repairing a variety of sports courts, including tennis, basketball, and volleyball courts, as well as indoor sports surfaces.

  • Date
    12 Jun, 2023
  • Client
    Sport Surfaces
  • Category
    Sports Court Construction and Resurfacing Company
  • Location
    Florida, USA


Despite their expertise and quality service, Sport Surfaces faced challenges in expanding their reach and attracting a more extensive clientele. Their social media presence was minimal, leading to missed opportunities for engagement and client acquisition. They sought to amplify their online presence, enhance brand awareness, and increase customer engagement through social media platforms.


DevSmith Digital stepped in to overhaul Sport Surfaces’ social media strategy. We initiated a comprehensive Social Media Marketing tailored to accentuate their specialized services and showcase their completed projects. Our team took over their social media account management, implementing strategic content marketing and engagement tactics to amplify visibility.


We curated customized content highlighting Sport Surfaces’ expertise, project portfolios, and client testimonials. Interactive posts, informative content, and visual storytelling were employed to engage the audience and foster community building


Despite their expertise and quality service, Sport Surfaces faced challenges in expanding their reach and attracting a more extensive clientele. Their social media presence was minimal, leading to missed opportunities for engagement and client acquisition. They sought to amplify their online presence, enhance brand awareness, and increase customer engagement through social media platforms.


As a result, Sport Surfaces experienced a significant uptick in social media engagement. The tailored content led to a 30% increase in audience interaction. The enhanced social media presence effectively showcased their expertise and quality of work, positioning Sport Surfaces as a sports court construction and resurfacing industry leader.